28 students injured in blast in Kashmir tuition centre
The QuintPulwama: The tuition-cum-coaching centre that was being run in a private school called Srinagar, Feb 13 Twenty-eight students were injured on Wednesday in a powerful but mysterious explosion in a tuition centre in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama district, triggering clashes between civilians and security personnel. The tuition-cum-coaching centre was being run in a private school called 'Falai-e-Millat' in Narbal village near Kakapora town, about 30 km from Srinagar. Doctors at Pulwama District Hospital said they received 17 students with injuries and three among these with serious wounds were referred to Srinagar for specialized treatment. An earlier unconfirmed report said the explosion took place when one of the students was fiddling with a grenade he was carrying.