Signs Of Republican Movement To Support Gun Bills With New Restrictions
NPRSigns Of Republican Movement To Support Gun Bills With New Restrictions Enlarge this image toggle caption Susan Walsh/AP Susan Walsh/AP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is ignoring Democrats' efforts to pressure him into calling the Senate back from recess to vote on gun legislation to expand background checks following back to back mass shootings. Rob Portman of Ohio, who voted against a bipartisan bill to expand background checks in 2013, told Roll Call in the Capitol on Tuesday, "I think we should look at everything." Sponsor Message "Only serious, bipartisan, bicameral efforts will enable us to continue this important work and produce further legislation that can pass the Senate, pass the House, and earn the president's signature," McConnell said. Sponsor Message Illinois Rep Adam Kinzinger, an Iraq War veteran who voted against the bipartisan House bill on background checks, penned an essay on Medium, saying he is in favor of red-flag laws and now supports universal background checks, raising the age to purchase a firearm fro 18 to 21 and "banning certain high capacity magazines, like the 100-round drum the Dayton shooter used this weekend."