'Fit and active' woman rages after husband got her an expensive gym membership was Christmas
2 years, 3 months ago

'Fit and active' woman rages after husband got her an expensive gym membership was Christmas

Daily Mail  

A woman has revealed her anger about her husband giving her an expensive gym membership for Christmas after he made pointed comments about her weight. An anonymous British woman has revealed her anger on Mumsnet about her husband giving her an expensive gym membership for Christmas after he made pointed comments about her weight Sharing the post, the woman wrote: 'Unwanted gym membership gift from dear husband, am I being unreasonable to be angry?' 'This Christmas, my dear husband gifted me a very expensive gym membership for 12 months. The anonymous British woman took to Mumsnet to reveal her frustration, calling herself 'very fit and active' but acknowledging she had 'little time for the gym' In a follow-up post, she added that the man 'often ‘jokingly’ prods her stomach, and calls her a Tellytubby' 'Am I being unreasonable to be p***** off?'

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