Over 200 ancient artefacts on display at National Museum of Australia's Discovering Ancient Egypt exhibition
ABCOver 200 ancient Egyptian artefacts – including a hook used to pull the brain through the nostrils of a person being mummified, and the bandages used to wrap them – have arrived for display in the nation's capital. Discovering Ancient Egypt is the National Museum of Australia's newest exhibition, featuring artefacts on loan from the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities. "This exhibition spans 3,000 years of ancient Egyptian culture," senior curator Craig Middleton said. " "Not everyone had time for leisure activities, but we know that playing board games is something that cuts across all social classes and the most famous, most preferred game in ancient Egypt, was senet," Ms Withycombe said. But touching these priceless pieces is reserved only for professionals like Eliza Jacobi – a conservator from the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities, which is home to one of the world's most impressive collections of ancient Egyptian artefacts.
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