Understanding remote working against the backdrop of a pandemic
The HinduIn these days of remote working, when it is more of an exigent need and hardly a considered choice, how does the average office-goer who has a certain ritual, a certain pattern to working bring that same ethos to the home? For those of us working from home for the first time, a few quick pointers: One, treat work from home seriously, and this would mean following some of the norms that go with working in an office, such as a dress code and timings. And of course, there should be a frank conversation with all your stakeholders at home – children, parents, spouse, extended family about your new work arrangement and its demands. Talent scouts stayed clear of “those diversity profiles who require flexibility” because they found it difficult to convince operating managers that such diversity built better organisational culture. And having robust systems to support work from home and other modes of flexibility can prove to be critical for talent retention irrespective of the diversity strand, they represent.