Opinion | India needs better jobs, not just more of them
Live MintIt is an essential input for economic development, creating new markets, new industries and productivity-enhancing innovation. It is also a political economy headache, narrowing the space for policy manoeuvring and creating political incentives for counterproductive palliative measures—think subsidies, rigid labour laws and quota creep. Second, India’s employment elasticity—the percentage change in employment associated with one percentage point change in economic growth—compounds the problem. Government jobs, on the other hand, provide the fundamental elements that, ideally, quality private sector jobs with remunerative pay in conjunction with state infrastructure should give access to, such as medical care and housing. Digitization of land records under the National Land Records Modernization Programme, blockchain, and drone mapping, along with myriad new technologies, have the potential to strengthen survey and recording of property rights when allied with political direction, as in Andhra Pradesh.