I believe I lost my job as a medical courier carrying Covid-19 samples for trying to protect myself – now is the time to put people above profit
The IndependentThe best of Voices delivered to your inbox every week - from controversial columns to expert analysis Sign up for our free weekly Voices newsletter for expert opinion and columns Sign up to our free weekly Voices newsletter SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. We’re proud of the work we did but ashamed of the company we worked for, that makes millions every year but still couldn’t find the money to protect our health, safety and jobs. When my friend Tony came down with Covid-19 symptoms, he spent half the annual holiday pay he’d helped us win so he could self-isolate to protect others. We expected when the pandemic started that if they thought they could avoid accountability and public scrutiny, companies like TDL would look to capitalise on the chaos, whatever the human cost. I for one am determined to keep fighting, to protect people’s lives and livelihoods through this pandemic.