Donald Trump pushes for an economic reopening
The TelegraphFederal guidelines that encouraged people to stay at home and practice social distancing expired late last week. Larry Kudlow, Mr Trump's top economic adviser, on Sunday predicted a "spectacular 2021" - with "the right set of policies" - on top of a rebound from July through to December of this year. He said on CNN's State of the Union that the administration would "pause" to review the effectiveness of trillions in economic relief spending before making any decision on whether additional aid is needed. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat, said on Sunday that the armed protesters who demonstrated in her state "depicted some of the worst racism" and "awful parts" of US history by showing up with Confederate flags, nooses and swastikas. Asked about states that are reopening before they meet benchmarks laid out in federal guidelines she helped write, Dr Birx said the guidelines "are a pretty firm policy of what we think is important from a public health standpoint".