Women fall for fictional bad boys: Study finds why they have romantic feelings for charismatic yet troubled characters
3 weeks, 2 days ago

Women fall for fictional bad boys: Study finds why they have romantic feelings for charismatic yet troubled characters

Hindustan Times  

Most TV series and films have the portrayal of fictional bad boys who are tough, rebellious, notorious and emotionally available. According to a recent study published in the journal Frontiers, women who look for non-committed relationships, develop romantic feelings for such fictional bad boys to evoke feelings of power and imaginative engagement. Findings of the study: To understand why women fall for fictional bad boys, the researchers conducted an online survey on 47 women with the average age of 23 years. The researchers concluded that the strive to look for uncommitted relationship setups and the urge to experience new things can make women develop romantic interests in fictional bad boys. The researchers said, “Despite the limitations, this first study on this topic clearly shows the potential of media psychological research on media-transmitted bad boys as embodiments of male dominance and their effect on women.

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