India's Anju receives gifts from Pakistan businessman for converting to Islam
FirstpostTo help Anju, now known as Fatima,Pakistan businessman presented her with 10 Marla housing land and a cheque worth PKR 50,000 Indian woman Anju,who traveled to Pakistan to meet her Facebook friend Nasrullah and eventually got married, leaving her Indian husband Arvind Kumar in Alwar, received generous gifts from the CEO of Pak Star Group of Companies, Mohsin Khan Abbasi. To help Anju, now known as Fatima,Pakistan businessman presented her with 10 Marla housing land and a cheque worth PKR 50,000. Anju received 10 Marla housing land,cheque of 50K, & other Gifts, given by Islamabad Based businessman & CEO of Pak Star Group of Companies Mohsin Khan Abbasi. Anju’s father expresses his sorrow and disappointment at his daughter’s actions Earlier Gaya Prasad Thomas, the father of Anju, a married Indian woman who travelled to Pakistan to meet her Facebook friend Nasrullah and got married to him on Tuesday, expressed his sorrow and disappointment at his daughter’s actions.