Responsible AI needs further collaboration
China DailyWang Lei, chairman of Wenge Tech Corporation, talks to participants at the World Summit on the Information Society. For China Daily Further efforts are needed to build responsible artificial intelligence by promoting technological openness, fostering collaboration and establishing consensus-driven governance to fully unleash AI's potential to boost productivity across various industries, an executive said. Enterprise AI has proven to create significant value for customers in fields such as government operations, ESGs, supply chain management, and defense intelligence, excelling in analysis, forecasting, decision-making, optimization, and risk monitoring," he added. AI agents and multi-agent collaboration frameworks will optimize decision-making strategies and action planning, integrating AI into workflows, data streams, and decision-making processes within industry-specific scenarios." "Promoting technological openness can reduce regional and industrial imbalances, fostering collaboration can mitigate unfair usage restrictions, and establishing consensus-driven governance can significantly enhance AI safety."