Bridge the milk divide for a nutritionally secure India
1 month, 3 weeks ago

Bridge the milk divide for a nutritionally secure India

The Hindu  

For a long time, India has told the incredible supply side story of its milk revolution. Consumption disparities The latest Household Consumer Expenditure Surveys by the National Sample Survey Office show that households in the top-income decile consume three to four times more milk per capita compared to households in the lowest-income decile. Urban households consume ~30% more milk per capita than rural ones, despite most milk being produced in rural India. Among social groups, Scheduled Tribe households consume four litres less milk per capita compared to general category households. Ensuring equitable access for the most vulnerable while moderating overconsumption among the affluent would honour Verghese Kurien’s vision of a nutritionally secure India, making the benefits of the milk revolution accessible to all.

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