Mint Tech4Good Awards 2024 celebrate use of AI in Education and Livelihoods; pave way for the future of Indian education
Live MintThe Indian education system is one of the largest in the world with India. In the ‘Best Use of AI for Education and Livelihoods’ category, companies like Embibe and SpeakX were recognised for developing AI-powered solutions to deliver personalised learning solutions for students and hone communication skills for working professionals and businesses alike. SpeakX wins Silver at the Mint All About AI Tech4Good Awards This innovative EdTech start-up is changing the way children across the world learn English by offering a personalised AI-powered tutor which helps children polish their English speaking skills and set young learners up for future success.The platform offers tailored lessons, instant feedback, and 24/7 AI coaching, empowering users to improve their English skills at their own pace while making learning engaging and accessible. “Our AI solution is unique because it combines personalised learning with real-time feedback, enabling tailored experiences that adapt to each user’s progress. “We turned to AI as a solution for improving English proficiency because it offers personalized and adaptive learning experiences that traditional methods often lack.