[Article 370][Day-5-Part-1] "If You Want To Amend 370, Recommendation of the Constituent Assembly is Needed: Sanjay Parikh
Live LawThe Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court of India comprising of Justices N.V. Ramana, Sanjay Kishan Kaul, R. Subhash Reddy, B.R. Sanjay Parikh has resumed his arguments regarding reference to larger Bench.#Article370 #Kashmir#SupremeCourt pic.twitter.com/6ty7gmhFSw — Live Law January 22, 2020 " is amending 370. "All presidential orders that have ben issued talk of concurrence of the government of the state of J & K. There is no question of the exercise of power under the 370 because there is no CA", asserted Mr. Parikh. "Concurrence by the government is not to be placed before or ratified by the CA", interjected Justice Reddy. "Sampath said that after 54 order, there could be no more orders after the CA has dissolved", ventured Mr. Parikh.