America is 'fundamentally unprepared' for zoonotic diseases
Daily MailWith the US teetering on the brink of nuclear war with Russia and gloomy warnings about climate change, many believe these events could end the human race. In an editorial published today, they claimed America is 'fundamentally unprepared', despite the Covid pandemic being so fresh in people's minds, as well as the recent bird flu and Marburg virus outbreak scares. Scientists warn that there is a risk of viruses jumping from livestock to humans throughout the supply chain - from the rearing facilities to where they are consumed The above map shows bird flu cases detected in poultry facilities and in wild birds in 2022 and 2023. They warn there is a higher risk with live imported animals because these come into the US with no health and safety checks on arrival, meaning they could bring new diseases into the country. There was a spike in cases in 2012, which has been linked to pigs catching bird flu and then passing it to humans The above map shows the states where bird flu cases were detected in people in the US in 2022 The scientists said that the current regulatory structure is not able to close these gaps and reduce the risk.