Baby Reindeer creator Richard Gadd 'was investigated by producers over his professional conduct after dating transgender actress who auditioned for hit Netflix show'
Daily MailBaby Reindeer creator Richard Gadd has been accused of 'unwisely' dating an actress at the same time as she also auditioned for a part. Reece Lyons, who wrote a series of tweets about the experience of dating Gadd and auditioning for his show Some 14 million people have been poring over every detail of Richard Gadd's much-talked about darkly comic drama based on his real life experiences of being stalked by a woman, 'Martha' But now Gadd faces claims from actress Ms Lyons, who auditioned to play the part of his transgender girlfriend Teri in the drama. Hollywood website Deadline, which broke the story, said it understood Gadd did not have final approval on Baby Reindeer casting, but did give feedback to Clerkenwell Films on audition tapes. Baby Reindeer creator Richard Gadd has been accused of 'unwisely' dating actress Reece, above, at the same time as she also auditioned for a part In the end, Ms Lyons did not land the role, which instead went to actress Nava Mau Gadd wrote for the show, and based it off his own experiences of being stalked and abused It said Gadd had not previously disclosed the romantic liaison to Clerkenwell, and that Ms Lyons was not interviewed on the phone or in person as part of the investigation, with correspondence done in writing.