First Transgender Character Is Coming To Marvel 'Very Soon'
Huff PostLOADING ERROR LOADING The first transgender character will join Marvel’s ranks “very soon,” studio president Kevin Feige said, answering calls for the studio to include proper LGBTQ representation in its films. In a movie we’re shooting right now.” Feige wouldn’t say which Marvel project will make history by including a transgender character, but fans suspect it’s the much-anticipated “The Eternals,” which has been filming in locations around the world since July. Tessa Thompson’s Valkyrie stands as the only queer superhero across the Marvel films, although her sexuality was never explicitly mentioned in 2017′s “Thor: Ragnarok.” Thompson, however, has long been open about her character’s bisexuality in Marvel movies. It will finally be made canon in the upcoming “Thor: God of Love and Thunder,” where she’ll be on a quest to “find her queen.” “How that impacts the story remains to be seen with that level of representation you’ll see across our films, not in just ‘Thor 4.’” Feige said of Valkyrie’s LGBTQ storyline in the film.