El Niño doesn't automatically mean it won't rain. Here's why it's been so wet and stormy for Australia's eastern states
1 year, 2 months ago

El Niño doesn't automatically mean it won't rain. Here's why it's been so wet and stormy for Australia's eastern states


Australian weather has always been prone to extremes, which is why the sunburnt country is known for its drought and flooding rains. "So when we know it's going to be an El Niño it changes that probability so the segment for dry conditions on that chocolate wheel is much larger, and the wet is smaller." "When we talk about dry conditions from an El Niño, it's not dry everywhere – it's dry on average," Dr Brown said. "Typically the Murray-Darling Basin area is usually most related to El Niño conditions and along the coastline it's actually less prevalent." "We have done decades of research, we know El Niño and La Niña will still happen, but it's not completely clear the impact climate change has," Dr Brown said.

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