Yobs shot fireworks at me while I was walking my dog - now we have drones and a search party out but I fear I'll never see her again
4 months, 2 weeks ago

Yobs shot fireworks at me while I was walking my dog - now we have drones and a search party out but I fear I'll never see her again

Daily Mail  

A dog owner who had a firework thrown at him in a frightening attack has been left devastated after his pet fled during the incident. Greg Connelly fears he'll never see his wire-haired fox terrier Millie again after she bolted from the scene close to Renfrew Ferry port, near Glasgow. Greg Connelly fears he'll never see wire-haired fox terrier Millie again after she bolted when he had a firework thrown at him near the Renfrew Ferry port, Glasgow Drones are being used in the search for Millie. Grey said: 'With every day that passes, I'm starting to think she's gone and she's not coming home' A rescue group has also travelled from Ayrshire to offer their help. He added: 'I'm worried I'll never see her again and with every day that passes, I'm starting to think she's gone and she's not coming home.

History of this topic

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