Healing, connection, optimism’: Peter Sarsgaard takes ‘Memory’ beyond the dementia
1 year, 3 months ago

Healing, connection, optimism’: Peter Sarsgaard takes ‘Memory’ beyond the dementia

LA Times  

Peter Sarsgaard is “so passionate” about his film “Memory” that he’s selling it like he hasn’t “promoted anything else” in his career. When you engage another person, it lifts them.” Franco was impressed too and relished Sarsgaard’s wanting to avoid making “a dementia movie,” when it is patently about healing and connection. “People say, ‘I’ll say hello to your dad for you,’ and I’m like, ‘I doubt it.’ I met Stellan maybe 30 years ago and said, ‘My name’s Peter Sarsgaard, I’m an actor, and people always ask me if you’re my father.’ My memory was that I think we were going to pretend we were related.” Of movie stars he has worked with and learned from, Sean Penn tops the list. He cites scenes, like “an awesome moment in 2005’s ‘The Dying Gaul.’ It’s probably the apotheosis of my emotional bloodletting that I ever did — I have a full-on emotional crisis on camera, while Campbell Scott is masturbating me.” A rich off-set life, evidently keeping him well-balanced, is split between Brooklyn and Vermont with wife Maggie Gyllenhaal and their two daughters.

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