Demi Lovato and Jimmy Fallon paint each other's portrait on The Tonight Show: At Home Edition
4 years, 9 months ago

Demi Lovato and Jimmy Fallon paint each other's portrait on The Tonight Show: At Home Edition

Daily Mail  

Demi Lovato showed off a new artistic skill on Tuesday's episode of The Tonight Show: At Home Edition. Multi-talented: Demi Lovato, 27, showed off her painting skills Tuesday night during an appearance on The Tonight Show: At Home Edition with Jimmy Fallon, 45 Jimmy mentioned that Demi had gotten back into practicing her painting skills, and he showed off an admirable array of small paint tubes, despite his lack of art experience. At the end, Demi revealed her stylized portrait of Jimmy, which really nailed his grin and elastic forehead Close enough: Despite being a novice, the comedian made a surprisingly life-like portrait of Demi, though he ran out of time before getting to her eyes Once it came time to reveal their paintings, Demi showed off a stylized portrait of Jimmy that accentuated his grin and his elastic features. Despite claiming to be a novice, Jimmy's painting was a surprisingly realistic version of Demi's face, though he ran out of time to finish the eyes.

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