Queensland Police First Nations adviser calls for union boss Ian Leavers to resign over 'racialised, divisive comments'
ABCThe First Nations Advisory Group to Queensland Police has called for police union boss Ian Leavers to resign over his "inaccurate, inflammatory and fear-mongering" comments about a Path to Treaty. Key points: Police Union boss Ian Leavers' comments about a Path to Treaty have been widely criticised The First Nations Advisory Group to Queensland Police is calling for him to resign A criminologist says Mr Leavers' comments have no place in the criminal justice system The group said Mr Leavers' comments, published in a News Corp opinion piece on Wednesday, reinforced negative racial stereotypes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Co-chair Christine Thomas, a Wakka Wakka woman and Sunshine Coast resident, said she was "absolutely disgusted" that Mr Leavers sought to represent the Queensland Police Union's 17,000 members on the issue without consultation. In his opinion piece, Mr Leavers claimed a Path to Treaty would "favour" First Nations people in the justice system and give Indigenous criminals a "free pass".
History of this topic

Queensland Police Union president Ian Leavers condemned for comments claiming Path to Treaty legislation would give Indigenous criminals 'free pass'
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