Mum shares the ultimate cheap dinner her family swears by
3 years, 4 months ago

Mum shares the ultimate cheap dinner her family swears by

Daily Mail  

A thrifty mum has revealed how she feeds her family-of-four dinner for just $8.75 and says her kids are guaranteed to eat it every time. A thrifty mum has revealed how she feeds her family-of-four dinner for just $8.75 and says her kids are guaranteed to eat it every time 'Yes I understand some people eat more than two sausages but with enough sides it is a very filling meal,' she said. Dinner Beef and black bean with noodles Tacos Barbecue Home made burgers and fries Spaghetti Roast meat and vegetables Lunch Grilled fish Grilled chicken salad Sausage rolls Wraps Chicken nuggets Party pies Noodles Breakfast Omelets Cereal Smoothies Pancakes Bacon and eggs Toast Poached eggs Yoghurt Snacks Popcorn Fresh fruit Muesli bars Scrolls Home made sausage rolls Yoghurt Home made biscuits Home made muffins Pretzels Muesli and berries The meals were served in plates with built in dividers which were also a hit. The mum also shared a picture of her husband's beef and black bean meal which cost less than $10 and served seven 'I try to see what I have in the cupboards and fridge first, add that to the meal plan before I do my shopping list so I know what to buy,' she said. The mum also shared a picture of her husband's beef and black bean meal which cost less than $10 and served seven.

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