Up doctors’ security, says Centre as stir snowballs
Hindustan TimesThe central government ordered all hospitals under it to review security protocols and increase their security force by up to 25% as officials in both Delhi and Kolkata struggled to contain the anger of the medical community over the rape and murder in the West Bengal capital earlier this month. In the Capital, with hundreds of doctors holding kerbside clinics outside its office, the Union health ministry met representatives of the doctors’ association still striking work but was unable to come to reach an agreement. Outside Nirman Bhawan in Delhi, which houses the Union health ministry office, a doctor tending to patients on the road said: “At the hospital, there is no safety or protection. Dr Amarinder Singh Malhi, general secretary, faculty association of All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi, said the government must now bring an ordinance like it did during the Covid-19 outbreak in 2020. The Federation of All India Medical Association, which was part of the meeting at Nirman Bhawan, said they will continue with their strike as a meeting with the central government failed to reach an agreement.