Crimes against humanity and an obtuse Indian stance
3 days, 23 hours ago

Crimes against humanity and an obtuse Indian stance

The Hindu  

On December 4, 2024, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution approving the text of a proposed treaty governing the prevention and punishment of crimes against humanity. This resolution comes five years after the International Law Commission submitted the draft text of the CAH treaty to the Sixth Committee — the primary forum for considering legal questions in the UNGA. There is a gap in accountability Alongside genocide and war crimes, CAH are among the grave international crimes which the International Criminal Court, established under the Rome Statute, seeks to punish. A dedicated CAH treaty would allow for holding states accountable under international law for their failure to prevent the commission of CAH, as is the case with the Genocide Convention of 1948. India’s stance at the UNGA reflects its scepticism that a CAH treaty might duplicate the already existing regime under the Rome Statute.

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