St Vincent De Paul helping desperate renters leave Noosa as expensive rents climb higher
1 year, 10 months ago

St Vincent De Paul helping desperate renters leave Noosa as expensive rents climb higher


Renters in Noosa should be able to breathe a sigh of relief as new data shows the region has its highest number of vacant homes in almost three years — but that is a long way from the reality for those trying to hold on to a home in the popular seaside town. Key points: Social workers are helping struggling renters leave Noosa as the rental crisis deepens This is despite new data showing the rental vacancy rate in the area has improved significantly in recent months The average rent in Noosa Heads is more than $1,100 a week, and $900 a week across the greater shire region Welfare advocates are even advising struggling renters and families on how to leave the region, once their situation becomes hopeless. Data says rental crisis should be easing Ms Rowan's experience with Noosa's battling renters seems to go against new data from the Real Estate Institute of Queensland, which estimated the rental vacancy rate in Noosa at 2.3 per cent — its highest since 2020 and a shade below what would be considered a "healthy" rental market. "And if you monitor social media — the Noosa community page — every day people are putting up requests for anybody that can help them find an affordable rental." In brief: Renters in crisis Across the Greater Sunshine Coast, which includes Noosa, more than 2,800 residents are on the list for social housing Of those 2,800, more than half have "very high housing need" which takes in the homeless Almost one-in-four social housing applications across the region are single parent families The average wait for social housing is 2.5 years And with increases to the cost of living, people are having to make impossible decisions.

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