Joseph Maguire: Trump’s ‘excellent’ acting intel chief may not be loyalist he wants
CNNWashington CNN — President Donald Trump praised his pick for acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, as an “excellent” choice and a “very talented man” Friday, but it remains unclear where the new acting spy chief stands on some of the most pressing national security issues facing the country today. But while Trump has made clear his desire to bring to heel the US intelligence agencies – which have produced evidence he disagrees with on Iran, North Korea, Russia’s interference in US elections and other issues – Maguire has offered little on-the-record insight into his views despite successfully navigating the Senate confirmation process when nominated for the National Counterterrorism Center job. Despite working closely with intelligence professionals for years, Maguire is not widely considered to be part of the intelligence “establishment,” unlike outgoing Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence Sue Gordon, whose resignation Thursday allowed Trump to elevate Maguire to the acting job instead. In a note attached to her resignation letter, Gordon made clear that it was not her preference to step down but she was doing so because the President deserved to have his “own team.” Trump’s past squabbles with the intelligence community Since taking office, Trump has repeatedly clashed with intelligence officials, including outgoing DNI Dan Coats, over their public comments acknowledging Russia not only interfered in 2016, but also poses a threat to future elections – an assessment that was reaffirmed by special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, which the President has characterized as a “political witch hunt.” But while White House officials have told CNN that the President was never going to allow Gordon to assume the acting or permanent position due to her perceived ties to intelligence officials like former CIA Director John Brennan and even Coats, sources close to Maguire say he is far from a partisan pick.