Both sides campaigning in Queensland's state election claim to have the answers. But what powers do they have?
5 months, 2 weeks ago

Both sides campaigning in Queensland's state election claim to have the answers. But what powers do they have?


Queenslanders are on the cusp of another election. University of Queensland law Professor Graeme Orr says it helps to understand that political power can come down to two things: "filthy lucre" and constitutional authority. "This is how we got WorkChoices, a national employment law, because it applies to every corporation outside state government," he says. "I think people just see government as a big blob and what's happened over the years, there's been so much duplication or overplay," says Mr Borbidge, a former National party MP. Former Labor state MP Judy Spence says roughly two-thirds of the people who visited her electorate office needed help with issues outside of state government control.

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