Men should limit alcohol to 1 drink a day, experts say
Associated PressNEW YORK — If you decide to have an alcoholic drink, limiting yourself to one a day is best — whether you’re a man or woman. That’s the new advice experts are recommending for the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which are scheduled to be updated later this year for the first time in five years. In a report released Wednesday, a committee of experts noted there isn’t adequate evidence to support different alcohol recommendations for men and women, and that research supports tightening the limit for men. “As a nation, our collective health would be better if people generally drank less,” said Dr. Timothy Naimi, an alcohol researcher at Boston University and one of the experts on the committee convened by federal officials. The report noted that the guidelines may be aspirational, but are important for “stimulating thought around behavior change.” The guidelines are based on the overall health of a population, and an individual’s risk from drinking could vary depending on a variety of factors and health habits, said Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, a professor of nutrition at Tufts University.