Find the Greggs sandwich shoplifter: Brazen thief pillages fridges before walking out of store clutching three sarnies and two bottles of orange juice in front of stunned staff and customers - as poli
11 months ago

Find the Greggs sandwich shoplifter: Brazen thief pillages fridges before walking out of store clutching three sarnies and two bottles of orange juice in front of stunned staff and customers - as poli

Daily Mail  

Do YOU know the Greggs sandwich thief? Email: Police are hunting the so-called Greggs sandwich shoplifter who was seen brazenly pillaging goods from one of the bakery chain's stores while stunned customers and staff stood aghast. Shocking video shows the moment the bandit clutching three sandwiches and two bottles of orange juice before walking out of the Greggs in Archway, north London last Friday. The crook is seen standing in front of the fridges as he holds three sandwiches With the sandwiches in hand, he opens the door to the cold beverages The sandwich bandit then takes two bottles of orange juice out of the fridge before making his way to the door A spokesperson for the force said: 'We can confirm that we received a third party report of theft of food from a commercial premises at Junction Road, N19 on Friday, 19 April. Stealing, stealing' as the thief leaves the bakery chain It comes as the UK has seen a huge surge in shoplifting incidents with 365,164 cases recorded by police over the 12 months ending June 2023.

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