This National Trust discount code could save you 35% on your next staycation
The IndependentGet a daily round-up of the best shopping deals, chosen by our IndyBest experts Sign up to our Daily Deals email Sign up to our Daily Deals email SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. To help you save some cash on your upcoming staycation, or if you’re wondering about setting up a membership, here is where you’ll find deals and discounts with The National Trust. National Trust discount code Should a holiday set in a charming thatched cottage be on your agenda, The National Trust is offering a discount of 35 per cent on selected cottages in Cornwall, Devon, Wales and Northern Ireland. National Trust membership offers If you’re looking to become a National Trust member, we’ve found a deal that gets you a £15 National Trust gift card when you set up your membership account. If you’re unsure whether a membership is for you, think of them as your ticket to over 500 sites, plus, other benefits include free parking and The National Trust’s magazine.