Mini Kapoor reviews Geetanjali Shree’s ‘Tomb of Sand’
The Hindu“A tale tells itself. By the novel’s end, the various strands of this tale come together, with Ma’s caper across the border into Pakistan looping back to the opening pages. Thereafter, the last pages of Shree’s novel are unnumbered, like the spare candle on a birthday cake perhaps, for no story ever stops growing. All of human history, literature, art, thought, politics have been at the service of this tale that’s telling itself — and while it may often appear that Shree is playing with words for the sake of word play, and that her digressions are asides, in the end nothing turns out to be self-indulgent or extraneous. Is this the chronicle of the getting-smaller woman or is every story really a Partition tale — love romance longing courage pain-in-separation bloodshed?” She summons “Partition writers”, from Manto to Krishna Sobti, into attendance, so that they too help in this tale telling itself.