MSNBC Airs ‘Simpsons’ Scene That Could Be Straight Out Of Trump 2.0
Huff PostLOADING ERROR LOADING MSNBC’s Ari Melber on Wednesday broadcast a scene from “The Simpsons” that he felt perfectly summed up the “fawning praise” that some media outlets are now heaping on President Donald Trump and his administration. “The hypocrisy stories write themselves,” said Melber, noting how “a lot of these same folks” who are now kowtowing to Trump when asking questions in press briefings and conferences “had their criticisms of what they said were traditional or mainstream media being what they called too solicitous or friendly to other administrations.” Melber pointed to an episode of the cartoon in which Homer Simpson’s uber-rich boss Monty Burns ran for office and Homer’s daughter, Lisa Simpson, asked the aspiring politician an overly flattering question that had been planted by Burns’ team. Why are you so popular?” Burns waffled in response about his integrity and determination to lower taxes. Lisa, though, walked away and told her mother, Marge Simpson: “Oh, mom, that felt awful.” Watch from the 5-minute mark here:
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