How a computer that 'drunk dials' videos is exposing YouTube's secrets
1 month, 1 week ago

How a computer that 'drunk dials' videos is exposing YouTube's secrets


How a computer that 'drunk dials' videos is exposing YouTube's secrets 3 days ago Thomas Germain @thomasgermain Estudio Santa Rita YouTube is about to turn 20. Unusual methods "It's extremely difficult to get a grasp on what's going on inside social media platforms, because while the companies that operate them do make certain public disclosures, those disclosures are fragmentary and often somewhat misleading," says Paul Barrett, deputy director of the New York University Stern Center for Business and Human Rights. Estudio Santa Rita On YouTube's 20th birthday, many basic facts about the platform are still shrouded in mystery "If I wanted to know how many valid phone numbers there are in New York's 212 area code, I could just dial 212 and seven random numbers to see if somebody answers. YouTube is one of the internet's de facto repositories, the first place many of us go when we have videos we want to post or store online.

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