Gautam Gambhir’s defamation suit: Delhi HC issues notice to Punjab Kesari & others
Op IndiaIn response to a defamation lawsuit brought by former Indian cricketer and current Bharatiya Janata Party MP Gautam Gambhir, who charged that the Hindi newspaper Punjab Kesari intentionally published false and defamatory articles against him and used defamatory language, the Delhi High Court on Wednesday served notice to the publication and others. The court also observed that even though some of the language used by Punjab Kesari in its reportage on him was objectionable, a public figure must have thick skin.”Any public person should be thick-skinned. Background of the case In the lawsuit filed against Punjab Kesari, its editor Aditya Chopra, and journalists Amit Kumar and Imran Khan, Gautam Gambhir said that they had abused their journalistic freedom by publishing multiple defamatory and libellous stories that were specifically directed at him. Sansad Gautam Gambhir Lapata Gali-Gali Me Lage Poster, Dilli ke lapata Sansad Lucknow Super Giants ke liye bane Bhasmasur, Adesh Gupta bolte reh gaye, Gautam Gambhir uth chale and Ye Naye Mijaz ke Sansad hai Jara Faaslo se Mila Karo were some of the reports mentioned in the suit.