Premier Scott Moe's Almost-Apology For The Sixties Scoop Fails Us All
Huff PostIn December 2018, Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe announced he would apologize for the Government of Saskatchewan's actions during the Sixties Scoop, a government program that actively sought to separate First Nations and Métis children from their families and put them up for adoption across Canada and into the United States. This apology was long overdue, especially since Saskatchewan's involvement in the Sixties Scoop was particularly aggressive, including the Adopt Indian and Métis Program, which advertised the availability of Indigenous children for easy adoption. The Canadian Press Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe apologizing to survivors of the Sixties Scoop on Jan. 7, 2019. More from HuffPost Canada: Scott Moe, Saskatchewan Premier, Apologizes For Province Failing '60s Scoop Survivors '60s Scoop Survivors Say Proposed Compensation Plan Isn't Enough '60s Scoop Survivors To Receive $750M Compensation From Feds There are more than 5,000 children in Saskatchewan's care today, and this number has grown in recent years.