“Categorically unacceptable”: Advocates say Dems letting Trump appoint "radical extremist" judges
SalonLegal advocacy groups on Friday accused Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., of preemptively surrendering to Republicans with the deal he cut late Thursday night, which would forfeit four Democratic circuit court nominees in order to prioritize 13 district court nominees, further ceding appellate court appointments to Republicans. News of the deal was met with immediate criticism from groups like the American Constitution Society and its president, former Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., who told Salon that “it is extremely frustrating to hear the reported deal on circuit court nominees.” “The White House has nominated extremely qualified individuals for these seats and the Senate needs to do its job and hold votes on all of these nominees,” Feingold said. “All public officials need to be prepared to fight against the extremism that will come when Trump returns to office and retreating in advance is a dangerous precedent to set.” There are currently four circuit court nominees awaiting a floor vote in the Senate: Adeel Abdullah Mangi, who was nominated for the Third Circuit; Karla M. Campbell, who was nominated for the Sixth Circuit; Julia M. Lipez, who was nominated for the First Circuit; and Ryan Young Park, who was nominated for the Fourth Circuit. All of these lifetime appointments will affect our rights for generations to come.” We need your help to stay independent Subscribe today to support Salon's progressive journalism Maggie Jo Buchanan, the managing director of the liberal advocacy group Demand Justice, called the deal “categorically unacceptable.” “These are critical seats that have real impacts on everyday Americans–we cannot allow Trump to fill them with radical extremists,” Buchanan said.