Why do India’s Lok Sabha elections happen in the summer?
The HinduAlmost nine lakh residents, braving the cold weather, standing in long queues outside polling stations set up in industrial areas to vote in India’s first general elections. For at least five decades, cold spells, draughty winds or relatively cooler conditions were the setting for India’s Lok Sabha elections. Opinion polls predicted the BJP-led coalition’s resounding victory; Mr. Vajpayee was the preferred PM candidate of choice.“.The ruling NDA “perceives for itself a clear political advantage in holding elections swiftly,” The Hindu’s editorial noted on January 29, 2004. pic.twitter.com/PGk3SPV1LI — India Meteorological Department April 1, 2024 The EC on its part has asked polling booths to maintain “assured minimum facilities,” including drinking water, shelter and keeping oral rehydration salts at hand.