Buckle up
China DailySONG CHEN/CHINA DAILY The US president-elect Donald Trump has made himself an enemy of the political establishment, and a maverick whose rules differ from the rest of the world, centered on challenging and changing all the existing systems, including those of the Western countries. More peculiarly, they seem to be pondering how to be tougher on China in alliance with the US, so that the US can see the unique value of Europe in its strategic competition with China. The North Atlantic value alliance, in which Europe firmly believes, is realistically subject to a pricing test, especially for security services, where the Trump administration will expect Europe to pay a high price, and Europe is not sure if it will be more secure or less autonomous as a result of the deal. Although the US remains China's largest trading partner, China's trade relations with other regions have strengthened and a diversified structure is taking shape, including the Belt and Road Initiative.