A Startling Document Predicted Jan. 6. Democrats Are Missing Its Other Warnings.
PoliticoActually, the letter was not a cipher. The document is an artifact from a dangerous time: Warning that Trump would surely not concede defeat to Joe Biden, it advised Trump’s opponents to “assume the worst” would follow. It urged them to gird for a struggle not only with the president but with “institutions controlled or influenced by the GOP, including the courts.” The document forecast “militia and white supremacist activities through the inauguration — and, very likely, accelerated activity in the early months of a Biden administration.” Plan D is sobering reading even today. If the party controlled government after 2020, the report said, Democrats must treat it as a “fleeting-once-in-a-generation opportunity” to revise the political system. Unless the filibuster were abolished, the document warned, Biden’s agenda could meet a miserable death in “Mitch McConnell’s legislative graveyard.” Plan D judged it largely futile to seek bipartisan compromise, since whatever Democrats do, “Republicans will accuse us of murder, socialism and worse.” That last part is true of many Republicans.