Anti-abortion ‘Baby Olivia’ video could be mandated viewing in Florida public schools
Raw StoryFlorida could join a list of red states that are requiring public schools to teach “human embryologic development” as part of their health education curriculum, likely via a controversial video. Filed Wednesday by Rep. Dana Trabulsy, HB 1255, would present the embryologic development information in the form of a “high-quality, computer-generated rendering, animation, video, or other multimedia, at least three minutes in duration, showing and describing the process of fertilization and various stages of human development inside the uterus, noting significant markers in cell growth and organ development.” The state Department of Education would adopt rules to implement the requirement in the health education curricula for students in grades 6-12. – Rep. Kelly Skidmore While HB 1255 bill doesn’t mention any video by name, Florida appears to be following the lead of other Republican-led states that have pushed similar legislation backed by the anti-abortion group, Live Action. The video measures gestation from fertilization and takes the viewer through 38 weeks, when the narrator says, “She will soon signal to her mother it’s time for delivery and greet the outside world.” Live Action posts “frequently asked questions” below the video including, “How do we know life begins at fertilization?” The answer: “Countless scientists and textbooks confirm that human life begins at the moment a male’s sperm penetrates a female’s egg immediately causing a new human with its own unique DNA to exist and grow.” Propaganda State Rep. Kelly Skidmore said she was “sick to her stomach” after watching the video, which she called “propaganda” to “brainwash children.” “This is not science.
History of this topic

Sex ed classes in some states may soon watch a fetal development video from an anti-abortion group
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