Green cabbage merits your undivided attention
SalonOwing to a hereditary compulsion to eat fresh fruit and vegetables with every meal, I occasionally find myself in a panic when the veg drawer stores have dwindled at lunch or dinner time. My early memories cemented cabbage as little more than root vegetable filler in a boiled dinner starring brackish corned beef, or encasing humble beef and rice filling in my German-born grandmother's stuffed cabbage rolls. Or considered what a tasty fried rice building block sliced cabbage makes alongside ginger, scallions, eggs and shrimp? Before long, you'll find yourself wondering whether thinnish sliced cabbage wedges make for a delicious gratin base in place of potatoes. Stir-fried cabbage and tomato Yields 3 servings Prep Time 5 minutes Cook Time 15 minutes Ingredients ¼ cup low-sodium soy sauce or tamari ½-inch knob ginger, grated ¾ tsp toasted sesame oil 2 Tbsp grapeseed or other neutral oil 4 cups sliced green cabbage ½ tsp sugar 2 smallish roma tomatoes, diced 3 fat garlic cloves, minced 1 small shallot, minced Freshly ground black pepper Directions In a small measuring cup, whisk together the soy, ginger and sesame oil.