Op shop sales 'through the roof' as customers flood in after coronavirus restrictions ease
ABCOp shops have emerged as an unlikely winner amid the coronavirus pandemic, with stores reporting sales at far higher rates than before the virus forced many retail outlets to shut down. Key points: Charities hit hard by COVID-19 say op shop sales are giving them a boost Charities hit hard by COVID-19 say op shop sales are giving them a boost Managers say op shop donations are also up and stores are full with stock Managers say op shop donations are also up and stores are full with stock Customers say the op shop experience is about more than finding a bargain Charity organisation St Vincent de Paul Society in WA said it was now seeing a major spike in demand after business came to a standstill when COVID-19 hit and forced doors to close. Big increase in donations The Australian Red Cross's op shop store manager in Mount Hawthorn, Jo Buzuk, said the number of clothing donations had grown, helping to boost stocks. "I don't like to buy lots of fast fashion, the things fall apart really quick, and I really like buying clothes that are more sustainable," Ms Roche said. "I really do think it's a lovely sense of community, especially with the Australian Red Cross because you're almost directly helping."