Boris Johnson’s Steve Bannon connection has put him one scandal away from losing the support of Tory members
The IndependentIf Boris Johnson spent Saturday in a panic about a tape, he was sweating about the wrong one. Asked about the Bannon association almost a year ago, Johnson said: “I’m afraid this is a lefty delusion whose spores continue to breed in the Twittersphere.” His supporters assure us that the Camberwell contretemps was also a lefty delusion – a conspiracy between Remainer neighbours and a like-minded newspaper to distort a private matter for political ends. The tape was filmed during Bannon’s jaunt to London to spend time with Nigel Farage and the former employees at Breitbart’s British operation with whom, he says in the recording, Johnson had worked close. Even 12 months ago, a connection to the author of Trump’s “Muslim ban” – the not so crypto-anarchist with the intent to unleash chaos to destroy liberal democracy across the world – must have seemed potentially fatal. For a long time, during the interval between “piccaninnies … with their watermelon smiles” and female Muslim letterbox bank robbers, Johnson hugged multiculturalism close as London’s mayor, and styled himself a modernist One Nation Tory.