Humpback whale breaches in front of boat off Port Macquarie NSW coast
Daily MailAmazing footage has captured a migrating humpback whale spectacularly breaching just metres away from a boatload of stunned tourists. The vision was captured just 20 minutes into a Port Jet Cruise Adventures whale watching tour off the waters of Port Macquarie, on NSW's mid-north coast. Scroll down for video A humpback whale realises it's show time and gives an acrobatic display that its audience will never forget The cheeky whale's antics create a massive splash as it crashes back into the ocean, soaking delighted watchers as they squeal with delight and laughter. The boatload of stunned visitors were soaked as the whale comes crashing back to the ocean with a massive splash Port Jet Cruise Adventures' video has attracted 145,000 views and shared 2000 times on its Facebook page since Saturday.
History of this topic

Astonishing moment kayaker is 'swallowed' by a humpback whale before being 'shot out'
Daily Mail
A humpback whale briefly swallows a kayaker, and it’s captured on video
LA Times
Humpback whale swallows and spits out kayaker in incident captured on camera
A rescue crew tried to untangle a humpback in Newport Beach. The whale has not been spotted since
LA Times
A new model accurately predicts the migration of humpback whales
Raw Story
Pilot whale stranding at Tasmania's Macquarie Harbour sees four whales dead, 25 rescued as cruise boat called to help
Young humpback whale freed from fishing tackle that had entangled its tail in Sydney Harbor
Associated Press
Authorities still looking for entangled humpback whale off WA's South West coast
Two whales spotted dodging cargo ships in rare Brisbane River sighting
Huge humpback whale flips over boat, tosses fishermen into chilly sea off US coast: Watch
Hindustan Times
Terrifying moment humpback whale capsizes boat off New Hampshire coast with sailors on board
Daily Mail
Rescuers search for humpback whale tangled in ropes, buoys off Gippsland coast
Humpback whale entangled in fishing rope near Port Macquarie as crews on standby for multiple rescues
Over 100 pilot whales beached on western Australian coast have been rescued, officials say
Associated Press
Humpback whale struck in head by boat propeller off Pilbara coastline in WA
Rare whale Bladerunner sighting off NSW far south coast
Humpback migration off WA coast prompts questions over fin-slapping behaviour
Two northern bottlenose whales stranded off Fife coast
The Independent
More than 50 whales dead on Australian beach after mysterious mass stranding
The Independent
Emergency response effort launched after pod of pilot whales beaches in southern WA
Humpback whale spotted off Cornwall coast in rare sighting
The Independent
Beached whale had lesions which suggested entanglement, expert says
The Independent
Humpback whale found on beach died after entanglement in creel lines, tests show
The Independent
Whale carcass washes up on Highlands beach
The Independent
Viral video: 41-feet-long humpback whale washes ashore New York beach
Paralysed humpback whale spotted off Hawaii deteriorating slowly as it swims
The Independent
Humpback whale pull off incredible move to free itself from the ropes of a buoy in Canada
Daily Mail
Australia: 230 pilot whales stranded in Tasmania, half feared dead
India Today
32 pilot whales rescued out of 230 stranded in Australia
Associated Press
Around 200 stranded whales die in pounding surf in Australia
Associated Press
230 Pilot Whales Stranded in Australia, 'About Half' Feared Dead
News 18
More than a dozen sperm whales found beached
The Independent
Viral Video: Humpback whale lands on small boat, what happens next amaze you
India TV News
Humpback whale that ‘thanked’ rescuers who freed it from illegal net dies after beaching week later
The Independent
Rare humpback whale freed from net signals ‘thank you’ to rescuers
The Independent
Rescue attempts fail to save beached baby whale on the Gold Coast
33 Humpback Whales Practise 'Unique' Bubble-net Feeding for the First Time in Australia, Old Video Goes Viral
News 18
Australian Police Rescue Young Humpback Whale Entangled in Fishing Nets Off Sydney Coast
News 18
Dozens of whales strand at notorious New Zealand bay
Al Jazeera
Humpback Whale Nearly Swallows Two Kayakers in Viral Video from US Beach
News 18
Trouble in Australia's Humpback Whale Paradise as tourists dry up
China Daily
Trouble in Australia's Humpback Whale Paradise as tourists dry up
China Daily
Trouble in Australia's Humpback Whale Paradise as tourists dry up
China Daily
Humpback whale with suspected overbite spotted in NSW Far South Coast waters
Whale swims free of crocodile-filled Australian river
The Independent
Humpback whales stray up crocodile-infested tropical Aussie river
Deccan Chronicle
Humpback whale spotted washed onto rocks on NSW Mid North Coast
Veteran whale counter says numbers of migrating humpbacks look strong this year
Humpback whales caught in shark nets off Gold Coast are freed
Humpbacks spotted off NSW coast as whale watchers adapt to COVID-19
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