With over Rs 400 crore, BJP gets major share of corporate donations, Congress Rs 19 crore
India TV NewsPrime Minister Modi-led ruling Bharatiya Janata Party has received the bulk of the donations made during the Lok Sabha election campaign 2019 while Congress party has come a distant second. BJP clearly seems to be the favourite when it comes to India Inc. BJP received Rs.400.23 crore from corporate donations while Rahul Gandhi-led Congress party received Rs 19.298 crore. News agency IANS reports that a total of Rs 1,056 crore was purchased by various political parties in 2018 while the same figure in 2019 stands at Rs 1,716 crore. Electoral bonds do not carry the name of the donor The donor does not have to disclose which political party he is donating money to Electoral bonds purchased by individual/corporates are exempted from tax The donations received by political parties through electoral bonds are also exempt from Income Tax As of now, only SBI knows who is buying the bonds.