Replica of Athagur inscription installed in honour of a dog unveiled in Mandya
The HinduA replica of the Athagur inscription was unveiled by Minister for Agriculture N. Cheluvarayaswamy at the Deputy Commissioner’s office in Mandya on Friday. The Athagur inscription is carved on a hero stone dated to the 10th Century CE and was installed in honour of a dog called Kali, which belonged to Butuga II, who was a vassal of a Rashtrakuta king. Importance of inscriptions Speaking after unveiling the inscription, the Minister said that inscriptions provided valuable insights into the history of a region, and it was the collective responsibility of the people to preserve them. The Minister said India’s historical legacy was unmatched by any country in the world and pointed out that the Athagur “Kali” dog inscription held significance as it was only one of its kind. Author and researcher T. Venkata Krishna said, “It was imperative to conserve and protect temples, monuments, and inscriptions as they are part of the rich heritage and historical legacy.” He also pointed out that a replica of the Athagur dog inscription installed in a museum at an American university more than 100 years ago underlined its importance.
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