I listened helplessly as my husband killed my daughter. Then, in the depths of my grief, I learned of his horrifying secret life...
2 months, 2 weeks ago

I listened helplessly as my husband killed my daughter. Then, in the depths of my grief, I learned of his horrifying secret life...

Daily Mail  

On June 1, 2003, 14-year-old Sam was driven into bushland and repeatedly raped by her stepfather before he deliberately drove into a rock wall on a freeway at high speed, killing them both. Sam's mother Kate Salinger listened helplessly from a landline phone at home as her daughter pleaded for her life in the minutes before she died. In 2003, aged just 14, she was driven into bushland and repeatedly raped by her stepfather before he deliberately drove into a rock wall on a freeway at high speed, killing them both My beautiful daughter Sam would've been 36 next month on February 25. I didn't know it then but seconds after I ended that call, Sam's murderer drove the speeding car into a cliff face on the freeway. Her injuries meant she would have died instantly The facts soon became clear: Sam's murderer had accelerated towards a rock wall and, judging by the point of impact, became airborne.

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