The most AI-proof jobs revealed – and which ones pay the highest salaries?
The IndependentSign up to our free money newsletter for investment analysis and expert advice to help you build wealth Sign up to our free money email for help building your wealth Sign up to our free money email for help building your wealth SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. While there’s unquestionably areas where AI will benefit consumers and workers alike on an everyday basis, there has also been plenty of discussion over how much it could, or should, impact work life, in particular when it comes to replacing people doing certain jobs. Now some research has been released detailing which jobs or areas of work could be least likely to be impacted by the rise of AI, based on new listings for employment vacancies which showed the least reaction to salaries being offered; in other words, those which still showed a demand for people, rather than being able to replace departures with software. As reported by the Telegraph, Adzuna utilised data from Goldman Sachs and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development to identify those jobs deemed safer from AI, or AI-proof, then ranked them by offered salary. Outside of specialist and medical-based jobs, which also included veterinarians and physical therapists, several blue-collar and manual labour jobs also featured prominently.