Chandigarh: Ignored 2021 road safety guide could have averted fatal Porsche crash
3 days, 19 hours ago

Chandigarh: Ignored 2021 road safety guide could have averted fatal Porsche crash

Hindustan Times  

A crucial road safety proposal submitted three years ago to declare Vigyan Path a “No-Overtaking Zone” was ignored by the Chandigarh administration, leaving the high-speed stretch vulnerable to reckless driving. In 2021, traffic police had submitted a comprehensive road safety plan for Vigyan Path and its connecting V-5 roads to the UT transport secretary. The survey observed that the merging of vehicles from V-5 roads onto Vigyan Path’s main traffic flow occurs without stopping, increasing the risk of accidents. Additionally, all V-5 roads leading to Vigyan Path must have “STOP” signs installed on the left side, ensuring vehicles halt before safely merging onto the main road.

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